2021 Marketing Trends

With a distinct lack of in-person contact, we’ve had to reimagine new strategies that allow our clients to continue connecting with their customers.

Despite changing our calendars, many of the marketing trends that we saw in 2020 are going to remain. That being said, we also can learn from our mistakes and refine our approach in certain areas to take advantage of what we know today that we didn’t last year. So what can we expect in 2021?

The overarching trend is to maximize online. If you don’t have a strategy that includes one of the many facets online marketing provides, you’re missing out. As previously discussed, it is currently far more difficult to reach consumers with in-person marketing. The return-on-investment (ROI) these campaigns yield is simply not viable right now. The internet allows you to reach consumers while they’re at home – exactly where they should be, and are likely to be for many months to come still.


Trend 1: Engagement

We might not be able to speak in person, but that doesn’t mean we can’t interact. By using social media, we can add that human element back into our brands by reaching out to customers through comments, likes, and direct messages. Further, you might be interested in using live interaction such as live-streams, or more interactive activities that require the consumer to actively engage. Most campaigns underestimate the importance of active engagement, and produce passively engaging content. This leads to an understimulated, and often bored individual. Human beings are active creatures and interaction is a two-way street. Ensuring you’re giving the consumer a chance to exercise their own actions could be an effective way to stand-out in the sea of marketers.


Trend 2: Quality over Quantity

People are spending a lot of time on the internet right now, and marketers have consistently tried to take advantage of this by sending a barrage of advertisements. Yet, every now and then there is a really good one that stands out. It only takes one good ad, take the time. People don’t want more, they want better.  If you’re writing for a mailing list, write damn good. If you’re making a video, connect with the consumer. As the old saying goes, anything worth doing, is worth doing right.


Trend 3: Empathy

One of the characteristic flaws of humans is our tendency to forget that our problems are not exclusive to us. The world does not revolve around you, and whatever you’re experiencing is likely also being felt by hundreds of thousands of other people at that exact moment. The way that we combat this self-centred attitude is through empathy. We understand the struggles of others, and we must empathize with each other to move forward. The pandemic pushed worldwide anxiety and fear, and we can use this. This is not to be confused as a misguided attempt to use people’s emotions to sell more products. An effective advertising campaign that uses empathy brings us all together by recognizing the struggles we all face. Instead of prioritizing our differences, let’s realize the struggles we all face. By using empathy, we can move towards a unified future.

Want an example of how this looks in action? Check out this ad Google put out.


Trend 4: Brands We Can Trust

There is no debate that we are moving through turbulent times. Misinformation is everywhere. It is during these times that people look to brands they trust. To brands that they have gone to before and have been reliable. Every customer interaction, social media post, or ad campaign is an opportunity to build trust.  Ensure your marketing strategy and products are carrying through on the promises your brand is making.



Image credit: Salesforce