The Importance of a BIA
A BIA, or Business Improvement Area is the concept that a community can request from their municipal council to be designated as an area or community for improvement. Once granted a BIA status, the BIA can begin to undertake programs to benefit the local businesses, and beautify the area with things like tree planting, garbage clean-ups, flowers, banners, and street signage.
A community or group of local businesses may choose to be part of a BIA for a number of reasons, but ultimately the idea that there is strength together in marketing, attracting business, and providing opportunities for shared promotions, and events.
Ultimately BIA’s help promote the districts and their members, they bring customers, stimulate the economy, provide advocacy at the municipal level, and support the community. For many BIAs the social wellbeing of their communities is very important. Many offer programs that deal specifically with homelessness, graffiti, crime prevention, safety, transportation, accessibility, density, green spaces, and business attraction.

BIAs help create stronger communities by supporting member participation through the Board of Directors, and various committees. In times of economic hardship communities that were a part of a BIA were 73% more likely to have a faster and more robust return to economic prosperity than those of their non-BIA related counterparts.
We work with some incredible BIAs, and firmly believe in the value that they bring, through advocacy, engagement, and community initiatives. For more information, feel free to reach out to us at
Image Courtesy of
Image Courtesy of the Parkdale Village BIA in Toronto, ON